5 Juice Recipes For Women’s Health

5 Juice Recipes For Women’s Health

what juices are good for womens health, fruits to eat for energy, how to increase my folate  folic acid during pregnancy, how to have a sweeter yoni, juice recipe for females, feminine health, celery juice hack from kim kardashian, watermelon juice,


Image by Lady Yoni

POSTED JUN 01, 2022 UPDATED SEP 21, 2023

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In all my years of dieting and eating healthy. There is one thing I always swear by, and that’s fresh fruit and fresh vegetable juices. You just can’t go wrong with them.

The title says it all. We’re about to get JUICY for women’s health. So get your palettes ready, because it’s about to get wet!!!

For the last decade, juicing has become quite a hot topic when it comes to diet, fasting, and everything else health-wise. Drinking fresh fruit/vegetable juice regularly, has been known to provide your body with plenty beneficial needs, like, an increase in energy, more nutrients, a cleaner gut, as well as an aid in weight loss.

Those few benefits will make any girl say, “Yaaassss!!! I need that!”


If you are one of the few that’s not hipped to juicing. Girl!!! Do your research now. I love it and prefer a freshly built juice in my own home without all the extra ingredients, preservatives, artificial sugars, and harmful chemicals.

With so many different juice recipes to choose from, one can think. “Which juice do I make and how can it help me?” Well sis, I have provided some very simple, yet potent juices for your various feminine needs. I got the tea for you. Well actually in this case, I got the juice.


 1.   “THE PUM-PUM SWEETENER” Watermelon Juice

There are so many ways to keep that pum-pum nice and yummy, but did you know drinking watermelon juice can help make those lady juices sweet like candy.

With all the amazing natural sugars and high water density, watermelon provides our “lady parts” a sea of tasty flowing wetness.


Simply get you a ripe watermelon, remove the seeds, and juice away. This can be done in a blender as well. You can add other melons, like honeydew or even the amazing adaptogen Ashwagandha which may help reduce stress levels, and balance feminine reproductive hormones.

 2.   “THE ENERGY BOOSTER” Coconut Water

Coconut water is filled with an abundance of electrolytes that are good for re-hydration and supplying your bodily systems with just the right amount of energy. So before you go working out or twerk the night away, be sure to get yourself a cup of coconut water to keep you lit.


Coconut water is best served fresh from a green/brown coconut. Cut the tip or drill a hole through the middle of an upright coconut and allow the inner juices to pour out into a cup. You can also purchase coconut juice/water from an organic raw producing company, like Harvest Bay. Add pre-soaked chia seeds for an even bigger natural boost.


3.   “THE DETOXIFIER” Lime water

Detoxing the body has always been a number one go to method to remove toxins and provide your body with the best nutrients for optimal health. Drinking lime water is a great alkalizing recipe to help rid yourself of waste, parasites, and other harmful chemicals. 


Add two freshly cut limes to an 18-24oz glass of water, place glass with lid closed in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove the limes and serve. Lime water can also be served by squeezing the juices into a glass of water. You can also add some fresh or powdered Ginger to help boost your immune system.

 4.   “THE MOTHER FOLATE” Beetroot Juice

For all my mothers out there, what’s the most essential vitamin to consume during pregnancy? Yes, that is correct, folate. As many of us have heard of folic acid, but did you know folate is the natural/non-synthetic and more healthier form of this B vitamin.

Beetroots are high in folate aiding in embryo growth and development. It is also high in fiber that helps with bile movement.


To juice beetroot, cut the thicker layer of skin from around the root, then cut into smaller pieces, and add to juicer.

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 5.   “THE SKIN GLOWER” Celery Juice

Kim K. isn’t the only one that is hipped to celery juice! This crunchy green vegetable is loaded with h2o and plenty of other vitamins/minerals that maintains your hydration needs and more. Drinking celery juice on a regular basis has been known to replenish the skin, and clear some major dermal problems, like, acne and psoriasis.


Thoroughly, wash and cut the roots of your celery stalks before juicing. Adding cucumber can supply an extra boost to your skin-care regimen.

Seamlessly smoothing out acne clusters across your cheeks, nose, and chin, with Rael's Spot Control Cover

 BONUS: “THE P POPPER” Carrot Juice

Also known as a “fertility super-food”, carrots has been coined one of the top foods that assist in spicing things up for future mothers. Due to its high levels of vitamin A, carrot juice increases feminine sensations within the body, giving you everything you need to have a sexy-time.


To juice, simply cut the root ends of your carrot stalks, and add to juicer. To really spice things up, add 1-2 tsp of cinnamon powder to an 8oz glass of carrot 🥕 juice.

I know! With all this new and exciting information, I guess you can call me the “Yoni Juice Plug”.

So next time someone asks you, “How is your skin so flawless?” or “How do have so much energy?” or even “How do you keep it so wet and sweet?”

Just tell them…. blame it on the juice.

Alright Queen, so what are you waiting for, get to juicing!!!


To be as helpful as possible, I want to take a minute and answer a few frequently asked questions about the juices! 

What juices are good for women's health?

Juices rich in antioxidants like watermelon and cranberry can support women's health by promoting healthy aging and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, incorporating beetroot and carrot juices can provide essential nutrients that may support hormonal balance and strengthen the immune system.

How do you safely store fresh juice?

To safely store fresh juice, it is best to transfer it into an airtight container, like a glass jar with a lid, and refrigerate it promptly to maintain its freshness and minimize bacteria growth. Freshly made juice can be refrigerated for up to 3 days.

How to get more folic acid in my diet during pregnancy?

Drinking beetroot juice can provide an excellent source of folic acid for pregnant women. With it's high content of fibers and the B vitamin (folate), beetroots are great in supporting healthy fetal development.

What vegetable is great for healthy skin?

Celery is a powerhouse for healthy skin due to its high water content, which helps to hydrate and plump the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it is packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants that promote collagen production and combat free radicals, keeping the skin supple and youthful. Adding celery juice to your diet can do your skin some wonders.



Be mindful to always choose Organic produce. This ensures no unwanted added toxic chemicals, like certain pesticides are lurking in your food.

Be sure to always wash your fresh and vegetables.

NEVER use seedless fruits.

Have fun and prepare for the JUICE!

Always do your own research and consult with your physician/nutritionist/herbalist before trying new herbs.

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Seamlessly smoothing out acne clusters across your cheeks, nose, and chin, with Rael's Spot Control Cover
Lady Yoni
I’m a Women’s Health Coach & Influnencer focused on bringing you natural self-care tips, womb wellness hacks, my favorite fashion styles, & more.

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Lady Yoni

Hey Girl Hey,

I'm Lady Yoni. I am the owner and creator of P.Y.E. Fit™ (Phat Yoni Energy fitness™). I am a Women’s Health Coach, Author, Speaker, and girl power Influencer, with a bachelor’s in Biology from Famu. I educate women on how to live healthier by detoxifying their bodies from past womb trauma, let go of toxic yoni habits, and step into their Phat Yoni Energy.



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